[Pkg-nagios-devel] [RFR] templates://icinga/{icinga-cgi.templates}

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Mon Apr 19 07:53:25 UTC 2010

Justin B Rye schrieb am Sunday, den 18. April 2010:


> Christian PERRIER wrote:
> > Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.
> [...]
> >  Template: icinga/httpd         
> >  Type: multiselect
> >  Choices: apache2
> >  Default: apache2
> (Another round of boolean multiple choice!)
Yeah I know, but I plan to add support for other webservers in the near

> [...]
> >  Template: icinga/adminpassword         
> >  Type: password         
> >  _Description: Icinga web administration password:
> >   Please provide the password to be created with the "icingaadmin" user.
> >   .
> > + This is the username and password to use when connecting to the icinga
> > + server after completing the configuration.  If you do not provide
> > + a password, you will have to configure access to icinga manually
> > + later on.
> s/icinga/Icinga/g - previously it was talking about the package, but
> "the icinga server" has to mean the "brandname".
> Oh, and one case of s/  / /!
> [...]
> >  Package: icinga
> >  Architecture: all
> >  Depends: nagios-plugins-basic, coreutils (>= 4.5.3), bsd-mailx | mailx, adduser, lsb-base (>= 3.0-6), ucf (>= 0.28), ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
>             ^^^^^^
> Icinga is a fork of a better-known package - so in traditional
> backbiting style it refuses even to mention Nagios (formerly known
> as NetSaint) in the package description.  This seems particularly
> childish when the following text is essentially the output of
> "apt-get show nagios3 | sed s/nagios/icinga/i".
Sure, as I'm the maintainer of both and they do the same. But I had that
derived from nagios which derived from netsaint... chains. But I'll mention
that its compatible with nagios plugins. that should do the trick. 

> >  Recommends: icinga-plugins
> (Is this version of icinga from experimental?  The latest version I
> could find has a "Recommends: nagios-plugins" here and a "Conflicts:
> nagios3-dbg" later on.)
Fixed since 1.0.1-3 (2010-04-12). 

> > +Description: monitoring and management system for network hosts - support files
It isn't a management system so that would be wrong. 
> This is the right sort of thing, but we want to trim it a bit.
>    Description: management system for network hosts - support files
Thats wrong in my eyes. The term is monitoring. 
> >   Icinga is a monitoring and management system for hosts, services and
> > + networks.
> I'd like to reduce the repetitiveness of this line by inserting a
> couple of other buzzwords and giving credit where it's due.  It can
> also easily absorb the "easy to understand" line that gets a
> paragraph to itself below.
>     Icinga is a modular monitoring and management framework for hosts,
>     services, and networks, designed to be easy to understand and modify
>     to fit any need. It is based on the Nagios project.
> > + Features include:
> >   .
> >    *  Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP,
> >       PING, etc.)
>       ^^doublespace
> At least it isn't using "o" as its bullet like the Nagios version of
> this text.  But PING officially isn't an acronym, and "TCP port" is
> a bit of an "etc", so swap their positions:
That will be fixed in nagios too. 

> >    *  Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email,
> >       pager, or user-defined method)
> (The omission of "ordinary" telephony is a clue to the age of this
> text!)
I don't see a problem with that text. 
> >    *  Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events
> >       (for proactive problem resolution)
> Rephrase this to put the feature at the bulletpoint:
>      * support for proactive problem resolution (handlers can be defined to
>        be run during service or host events);
fine with me. 

> [...]
> >  Package: icinga-idoutils           
> [...]
> >   This package contains icinga-dataobjects support which makes it possible to
> > + import Icinga statusinformations into an SQL database.         
>                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Does it mean "status messages"?
no. statusinformation is right. idoutils copy the internal state of the
nagios/icinga system via event broker to a SQL database so it can get queried
via SQL. 

> Otherwise it's all just refitting boilerplate...
Sure. I maintain both and I don't plan to double my work. 

Alexander Wirt, formorer at formorer.de 
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