[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#597332: i sent empty message, sorry :(

Celtic celtic at celtic.no-ip.org
Sat Sep 18 18:24:26 UTC 2010

The problem:

I have a template file:

define host{
         name                            generic-host
         notifications_enabled           1
         event_handler_enabled           1
         flap_detection_enabled          0
         failure_prediction_enabled      1
         process_perf_data               1
         retain_status_information       1
         retain_nonstatus_information    1
		check_command                   check-host-alive
		max_check_attempts              10
		notification_interval           0
		notification_period             24x7
		notification_options            d,u,r
		contact_groups                  admins
         register                        0       E!

contacts.cfg file:

define contact{
         contact_name                    celtic
         alias                           Celtic
         service_notification_period     24x7
         host_notification_period        24x7
         service_notification_options    w,u,c,r
         host_notification_options       d,r
         service_notification_commands   notify-service-by-email
         host_notification_commands      notify-host-by-email
         email                           celtic at xx.yy

define contact{
         contact_name                    masikadmin
         alias                           Masik Admin
         service_notification_period     24x7
         host_notification_period        24x7
         service_notification_options    w,u,c,r
         host_notification_options       d,r
         service_notification_commands   notify-service-by-email
         host_notification_commands      notify-host-by-email
         email                           masikadmin at yy.xx

define contactgroup{
         contactgroup_name       admins
         alias                   Nagios Administrators
         members                 celtic
define contactgroup{
         contactgroup_name       sajatadmins
         alias                   Sajat adminok
         members                 celtic,masikadmin

Host.cfg file:

define host{
	use                     generic-host
	host_name               sajathost
	alias                   Sajat
	contact_groups          sajatadmins

If nagios see a problem, send a message to
"admins", but i override this to "sajatadmins"

I try it:
I. contact_groups +sajatadmins

II. contact_groups null
contact_groups sajatadmins

Nothing. Only the template contact_groups works.

but i try it:

define host{
	use                     generic-host
	host_name               sajathost
	alias                   Sajat
	contacts          	celtic,masikadmin

It's works. The override not :(

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