[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#638310: nagios-plugins-basic: check_ircd does not work with IPv6

Dominic Hargreaves dom at earth.li
Thu Aug 18 13:38:26 UTC 2011

Package: nagios-plugins-basic
Version: 1.4.15-4
Severity: normal
Tags: ipv6

The check_ircd script uses low-level socket library calls and as such
cannot check IPv6 IRC servers.

It would probably make sense to rewrite this to use an IRC library.

Net::IRC is deprecated these daays (#608583) and claims that
Bot::BasicBot or POE::Component::IRC is the best way forward, but both
of those may be a little heavyweight, I suspect.


may contain a working patch to add IPv6 support to the existing code,
although needing to pass the -6 flag isn't ideal.


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