[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#484575: nagios-nrpe-plugin is missing IPv6-Support

Jima jima at beer.tclug.org
Thu Jan 13 16:00:44 UTC 2011

 My experience was opposite Bernhard's; I found patching NRPE to be
trivial, but couldn't puzzle out how to make check_nrpe work right.
After pounding my head on the problem for a few days, and giving up for
two weeks, I remembered him mentioning he had a patch for it, which
worked beautifully with my modified NRPE.

 Similarly, I am not a seasoned C coder, just a sysadmin with
patching/scripting skills, so I'd love it if someone could review my
work on this.  Thanks!

Patrick "Jima" Laughton
Fedora Project, etc
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