[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#587590: Bug#587590: nagios-plugins-basic: Please add the attached patch for faster checking of Postfix queues

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Sat May 14 14:17:41 UTC 2011

tag 587590 + wontfix

Hi Russell,

On Wednesday, 30. June 2010, Jan Wagner wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 June 2010 05:26:53 Russell Coker wrote:
> > The "mailq" command reads the headers of each message, if there are many
> > thousands of messages that can regularly take long enough to cause a
> > timeout.
> > 
> > The following patch (against version 1.4.12-5) adds a new option -M
> > postfix-fast to use find instead of mailq, it usually runs about 1,000
> > times faster!
> > 
> > The same bug appears to be present in 1.4.14-5, I will make and test a
> > patch for that shortly and update this bug report accordingly.
> thanks for your bugreport. From my side, I wouldn't love to carry this kind
> of patch over long time, without getting it applied upstream. So we need
> to get it into there first. I asked Ton about integration and he requests
> two things as requirements, which sounds reasonable for me:
> * find/wc needs converted to pure perl (using File::Find which is part of
> core perl)
> * postfix paths should be discovered/configurable by ./configure
> So if the patch fits this, I would happily forward it to upstream and if it
> gets accepted into SCM, I will apply it to the package asap.

After round about 1 year without feedback, I will tag this bug wontfix. Feel 
free to get back to us, if there is a patch available which may get accepted 
by upstream.

With kind regards, Jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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