[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#659252: Bug#659252: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the icinga package

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Sun Apr 22 17:11:33 UTC 2012

Christian PERRIER schrieb am Sunday, den 22. April 2012:

> Quoting Alexander Wirt (formorer at formorer.de):
> > sorry, too much private things. I will of course do the upload as usual :).
> > But it has to wait a few days until my next tree is ready (see the RC bugs
> > against postgres supprt of idoutils. I want to have these fixed first). But
> > maybe I am ready when you are ready :).
> No problem. I wouldn't have NMU'ed without a few more warnings anyway
> as I know you're reactive to these l10n NMUs. So, I'll proceed the
> usual way for icingia : no NMU and leave things up to you.
> I also have a pending l10n "NMU" for nagios3. Should I do the same?
As usual, yes.


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