[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#660118: icinga-idoutils: remove (anyway unused) example config files from /etc

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Sun May 6 07:22:15 UTC 2012

Christoph Anton Mitterer schrieb am Thursday, den 16. February 2012:

> Package: icinga-idoutils
> Version: 1.6.1-2
> Severity: wishlist
> Hi.
> AFAIU, example configuration that is not used anyway should usually ship in
> /u/s/d/icinga-idoutils/examples.
> The package however ships:
> /etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg-sample
> /etc/icinga/modules/idoutils.cfg-sample
> The former isn't used anyway, as the real config is created by dbconfig-common.
> The later is AFAIU unsused, as you suggest in README.Debian to set
> broker_module... and only either of the two must be set, right?
> So may I propose moving them to /u/s/d/icinga-idoutils/examples ?
As you already noted I fucked up the bugnumbers a little bit in my last

This bug was closed too.


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