[Pkg-nagios-devel] nagios-nrpe-plugin dependencies

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Fri Apr 5 13:48:59 UTC 2013

Martin Joppen schrieb am Friday, den 05. April 2013:

> Hi everyone,
> I really like your work and I am using your packages for a couple of years
> now. There is only one thing, that I don´t like about nagios-nrpe-plugin:
> It requires nagios! That is a good thing if I´m running nagios at my site,
> but if I´m using icinga, it´s not that good for me. It would be great if I
> could use a debian-maintained package, which contains the plugin, but
> doesn´t require any nagios-stuff.
I am sorry but this is wrong. It recommends nagios. apt-get
--no-install-recommends and it installs fine. 

wheezy also has a nagios | icinga recommends, but anyhow. The package doesn't
depend on Nagios, it never did.

Alexander Wirt, formorer at formorer.de 
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