[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#701406: Bug#701406: nagios-plugins: diff for NMU version 1.4.16-1.1

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Jul 9 20:21:12 UTC 2013

On Tue, 09 Jul 2013 20:20:41 +0200, Jan Wagner wrote:

> many thanks for having a look into this.

You're welcome.
> Am 09.07.13 19:21, schrieb gregor herrmann:
> > I've prepared an NMU for nagios-plugins (versioned as 1.4.16-1.1)
> > and uploaded it to DELAYED/2. Please feel free to tell me if I 
> > should delay it longer.
> This was allready incorporated into the vcs[1] 2 weeks ago.
> Unfortunately I missed to add a Close in the Changelog for it yet.

And a note in the BTS :)
> As nagios-plugins has no essential reverse dependencies I saw no
> reason to hurry up here, as the package is installable in sid. Anyways
> ... if there is a pressure to speed this up, I can upload the latest
> vcs at any time.

I don't know if there is any specific hurry; it's just that we have
way too many RC bugs, and this bug didn't see any update since

> Anyways ... it would be cool if we can prevent this NMU, as this
> causes more work to get things into shape again.

Sure, I just cancelled the NMU.

> Even it would be totaly great to drop just a short line into the
> bugreport _before_ fireing an NMU in this status of the release cycle,
> this would have saved work to all of us.

IMO it doesn't scale for me to ask before each NMU, the overhead of
keeping lists and coming back etc. would be higher than the very rare
situation were I'm asked to cancel an upload to DELAYED, which I
happily do when it happens.

And for maintainers an upload to a DELAYED queue just needs a few
seconds to say "please cancel it" (or a few seconds to tag a bug
pending in advance, so RC bug squashers can move on). 


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