[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#716949: nagios-nrpe-server: removes its PID on connection errors

Bernd Zeimetz b.zeimetz at conova.com
Mon Jul 15 09:19:48 UTC 2013

Package: nagios-nrpe-server
Version: 2.13-3
Severity: serious
Tags: patch


after being scanned by nmap or just with a simple tcp health check, it
restarts itself but seems to fail to create the pid file again - so
stopping or restarting the nrpe daemon fails, which will break all upgrades.

A longer discussion and a patch can be found here:

Interestingly I was not able to trigger the bug on all wheezy machines,
but didn't find the time to figure out why.

But this should not happen anyway:
nmap sT -p 5666 hostname

Jul 15 11:12:01 hstname nrpe[30261]: Error: Network server getpeername()
failure (107: Transport endpoint is not connected)
Jul 15 11:12:01 hostname nrpe[30261]: Cannot remove pidfile
'/var/run/nagios/nrpe.pid' - check your privileges.
Jul 15 11:12:01 hostname nrpe[30261]: Daemon shutdown

A fix in wheezy would be appreciated.



Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Bernd Zeimetz
Systems Engineer
Debian Developer

conova communications GmbH
Web    | http://www.conova.com/
E-Mail | b.zeimetz at conova.com

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