[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#737601: nagios-nrpe-plugin does not need dependency checks for nagios oricinga

Simon Walter simon at gikaku.com
Tue Feb 4 07:22:08 UTC 2014

Package: nagios-nrpe-plugin

Version: 2.13-3_i386

I have installed icinga2 from the official repositories from the Icinga 
project. These packages are for some reason not included on the Debian 

icinga2 needs to use nagios-nrpe-plugin - just as does icinga. However, 
it's dependencies are on nagios or icinga. However, if I install 
nagios-nrpe-plugin from the .deb file from the Debian server, it works. 
So I would like to suggest removing those dependencies, as it seems it 
is not a binary(libray) dependency.

The following works and does not require the use of --force:
$ dpkg -i nagios-nrpe-plugin_2.13-3_i386.deb

If these dependencies are removed, one can install icinga2 without the 
need to compile anything. It installs quite well on Wheezy. There may 
have been some glitches in the db-config part with indexes being created 
by two different packages causing an error, which is perhaps why it's 
not in Wheezy yet. In any case, it will help users who want to install 
icinga2 from the Icinga project's servers.

Kind regards,


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