[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#758513: Bug#758513: fails to authenticate if multiple LDAP results match, misleading error message

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Sun Oct 5 10:04:12 UTC 2014

reopen 758513
reassign 758513 apache2

On 18/08/14 14:22, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Aug 2014, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Package: nagios3
>> Not sure if this log message comes from Apache or from Nagios, if it is
>> an Apache error then please re-assign to the Apache package.
>> Basically, my Nagios was working fine with Apache LDAP
> "During the authentication phase, mod_auth_ldap searches for an entry in the
> directory that matches the username that the HTTP client passes. If a single
> unique match is found, then mod_auth_ldap attempts to bind to the directory
> server using the DN of the entry plus the password provided by the HTTP
> client. Because it does a search, then a bind, it is often referred to as the
> search/bind phase. Here are the steps taken during the search/bind phase."
> "single unique match" is the point here. So the problem is on your side,
> not on apache nor on icingas side. 
> So I fail to see a bug here.
> Feel free to close the bug or reassign it somewhere else, but I am not able
> to find something to ressign it to.

The bug report is not for the behavior (I agree it makes sense to deny
the login), it is a problem with the error message.

The error message says "user daniel not found" - but for this particular
case, the error should be something like "multiple entries in the
directory match the filter for digest username daniel"

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