[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#755248: Bug#755248: icinga2: General update after the debconf review process

Markus Frosch markus at lazyfrosch.de
Sun Sep 7 20:41:01 UTC 2014

Control: tags -1 + pending

Hi Christian,

On Sa, 2014-09-06 at 08:44 +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> On Wednesday, July 23, 2014, I sent you a notification about the beginning of a review
> action on debconf templates for icinga2.
> Then, I sent you a bug report with rewritten templates and announcing
> the beginning of the second phase of this action: call for translation
> updates.
> Translators have been working hard and here is now the result of their efforts.
> Please consider using it EVEN if you committed files to your
> development tree as long as they were reported.

Thank you very much for your, and the other people's, work.

The changes will be uploaded as soon as I've fixed the problem with the
ppc64el build.


Markus Frosch
markus at lazyfrosch.de
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