[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#756479: Bug#756479: (no subject)

David Rosenstrauch darose at darose.net
Tue Sep 1 15:12:51 UTC 2015

On 09/01/2015 10:58 AM, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Sep 2015, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
>> So what is the recommended workaround for users who are currently relying on
>> this functionality?
> either get your environment fixed, or build your own package.
> Alex

Not sure what you mean by "get your environment fixed"?

Presumably a "fixed environment" means "one that doesn't use 
'dont_blame_nrpe'".  That's fair enough.  But that also obviously 
removes previously working functionality

So that's exactly what I was asking:  for someone who was previously 
making use of this functionality, and no longer should, what might a 
"fixed environment" look like?  What is the recommended/more secure way 
to pass parms to a remote NRPE process now?  Or, if it's recommended 
that one not pass parms to NRPE, what is recommended instead.

For a concrete example, I'm currently monitoring machines for disk 
space.  Most machines I check for at least 20% disk space free.  But on 
machines with large disks, 20% is excessive, so I drop that to 10%.  So 
the 20%/10% is a parm that I pass to NRPE.  What would be the 
recommended way to implement functionality like this going forward?

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