[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#821992: icinga: Build arch:all+arch:any but is missing build-{arch, indep} targets

niels at thykier.net niels at thykier.net
Wed Apr 20 20:54:01 UTC 2016

Package: icinga
Severity: normal
Usertags: arch-all-and-any-missing-targets


The package icinga builds an architecture independent *and* an
architecture dependent package, but does not have the (now mandatory)
"build-arch" and "build-indep" targets in debian/rules.

We would like to phase out the hacks in dpkg, which are currently
needed to ensure that icinga builds despite its lack of these

 * Please add build-arch and build-indep targets to icinga at
   your earliest convenience.
   - This can also be solved by using e.g. the "dh"-style rules.

 * The work around will be removed in the first dpkg upload after
   the 1st of June.  After that upload, icinga will FTBFS if
   this bug has not been fixed before then.


See also: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2016/04/msg00023.html

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