[Pkg-nagios-devel] nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into wheezy-backports-sloppy, wheezy-backports-sloppy

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Mon Jan 4 11:01:14 UTC 2016


Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 2016 12:54:22 +0100
Source: nagios-plugins-contrib
Binary: nagios-plugins-contrib
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 16.20151226~bpo70+1
Distribution: wheezy-backports-sloppy
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Nagios Maintainer Group <pkg-nagios-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Bernd Zeimetz <bzed at debian.org>
 nagios-plugins-contrib - Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems
Closes: 691012 692598 724175 727468 742877 744248 744922 745895 760373 768018 774749 787839 798432
 nagios-plugins-contrib (16.20151226~bpo70+1) wheezy-backports-sloppy; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for wheezy-backports-sloppy.
 nagios-plugins-contrib (16.20151226) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [a3207bd] check_mysql_health: Update to 2.2.1
   * [31c7ed1] check_mysql_health: Remove integrated patches/check_mysql_health/documentation_url
   * [dfc20c0] travis-ci: Installing newer autoconf
   * [f55699c] travis-ci: Installing automake1.9
   * [295f5a4] Generating new control file
   * [12e0087] Updating debian/changelog
   * [e5d713c] Revert "Updating debian/changelog"
     This reverts commit 12e0087eb624f7db93a56483c793bc8d2c28ab3f.
   * [b9c168a] Creating new changelog entry
   * [f27768f] debian/control.in: reformating with warp-and-sort
   * [9362ba8] Rebuild debian/control
   * [22ddfa6] check_raid: Update to latest version 3.2.5
   * [c9f64fb] check_multipath: Update to latest version 0.3.0
   * [fd2e679] check_whois: Update to latest version 1.19
   * [9b19d0a] check_memcached: Install libmemcached-dev as build dependency on arm64 too (Closes: #798432)
   * [4a79b7e] Updating debian/control
 nagios-plugins-contrib (15.20150818) unstable; urgency=medium
   The debconf15 release.
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [655f77d] fix check_ipmi_sebsor version
     it was correct in the upload, but not in Git
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [0da5840] Disable rbl.orbitrbl.com, it's offline
     - Adding check_rbl/disable_orbitrbl.com see
   * [9849824] check_email_delivery: Add libnet-smtpauth-perl as Recommends for
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [1151ce3] Add update-check_libs-status cronjob script.
   * [3479e9d] Update check_apt.cmd to use update-check_libs-status.
   * [ec49961] snapshot changelog.
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [52030fc] Fixing changelog entries
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [f66a1d8] Remove , from check_packages output.
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [803520c] Adding check_rbl/disable_ahbl.org patch (Closes: #774749)
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [1853853] Updating snapshot changelog.
   * [b308bb7] Remove duplicate check_apt.cmd file.
   * [f3e3cee] Add check_libvirt.
   * [112168d] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [40a9288] Auto update of debian/control
   * [1e398f9] Make check_libs faster.
   * [d7cf267] Add breaks/replaces for smooth upgrades from squeeze.
   * [1ae1eee] Add check_redis.
   * [89a53d3] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [09d0cdb] Auto update of debian/control
   * [bce89a0] Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master'
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [8733ae5] check_redis: Adding command definition config
   * [5874628] check_redis: Fixing command definition
   * [6ed8e1b] check_mongodb: Updating to latest version
   * [b9544e3] check_mysql_health: Updating to
   * [a2c74a4] check_raid: Updating to 3.2.2
   * [19e1262] check_raid: Updating to latest git version (5bc04e1822)
   * [5862270] check_ssl_cert: Updating to 1.17.0
   * [e4c7bc0] check_cups: Update Homepage
   * [cc9ce25] check_drbd: Update Homepage and Watch header
   * [99c5b84] check_rbl: Updating to 1.3.7
   * [160e8d3] check_rbl: Move back to Nagios::Plugin again by adding
   * [8b921f7] check_whois: Updating to 1.16
   * [90e3211] check_ipmi_sensor: Updating to 3.7
   * [37d10e7] Drop check_rbl/disable_ahbl.org
   * [a2b7c69] Drop check_rbl/disable_orbitrbl.com
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [d33acc6] Some better travis scripts.
   * [22073ab] Handle php4nagios templates
   * [ec7197a] Install check_redis pnp4nagios template
   * [f8d59a3] Fix check_ajp to handle non-responding tcp ports.
   * [2709f46] install equivs in .travis.yml
   * [d0e0af8] Revert "Fix check_ajp to handle non-responding tcp ports."
     This reverts commit f8d59a383175bbcf0011b8308d0505868c6b61e4.
     Change was applied by patch...
   * [f948c66] Merge branch 'master' of
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [8696a41] common.mk: Using TAB instead of white spaces
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [c408dff] Typo fix.
   * [b41594f] Add check_haproxy_stats.
   * [5e5ae83] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [cb814e2] Auto update of debian/control
   * [23c7416] Update snapshot changelog.
   * [53e1b9c] Fix version number in changelog
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [9bcec60] check_hpasm: Update to
   * [9609f87] check_raid: Update to 3.2.3
   * [c750062] check_ssl_cert: Update to 1.17.1
   * [ff74dbd] check_rbl: Disable dul.ru
   * [c11ef66] check_mongo: Update to recent version
   * [32e8ae4] check_hpasm: Updating to latest
   * [a08beb2] check_ipmi_sensor: Updating to 3.8
   * [25d1eea] Updating control file
   * [74ea485] check_uptime: Update check_uptime.cfg to use the correct script
     (Closes: #787839)
   * [45d50da] check_raid: Update to 3.2.4
   * [af3e278] check_ipmi_sensor: Update to version 3.9
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [94ad100] implement git clean support in extras/Makefile
   * [406aa15] Add makefile to build all plugins.
   * [2655fe2] Add Makefile.
     First step to get rid of dh crazyness.
   * [94c0879] Fixing pthread linking fail for check_memcached.
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [140e08e] check_mongodb: Update to latest upstream
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [22769ea] Let debian/rules use the new Makefile.
   * [1a74854] build the debian readme again
 nagios-plugins-contrib (14.20141104~bpo70+1) wheezy-backports; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for wheezy-backports.
 nagios-plugins-contrib (14.20141104) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [0b3a2c4] check_email_delivery: Adding libnet-smtp-ssl-perl to Recommends
   * [7c8eeb2] check_running_kernel: Add binutils to Recommends
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [4df550b] check_ipmi_sensor: update to v3.5.
     Thanks to Werner Fischer <debian-bugs at wefi.net> (Closes: #768018)
 nagios-plugins-contrib (13.20141017~bpo70+1) wheezy-backports; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for wheezy-backports.
 nagios-plugins-contrib (13.20141017) unstable; urgency=medium
   * [87b2651] check_rbl: Adding libdata-validate-domain-perl,
     libdata-validate-ip-perl to Recommends as needed for new upstream
   * [e6dab92] check_raid: Update to 3.2.1
   * [486d2f0] check_raid: Updating to latest git master to fix several bugs
   * [7fdccac] check_raid: Updating to latest git master to fix with arcconf
   * [c0b9c82] Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes needed
   * [fb6090a] percona-nagios-plugins: Fix typo in package description
   * [e8aa125] percona-nagios-plugins: Fixing FSF address
   * [f5d63e9] check_update: Fixing FSF address
 nagios-plugins-contrib (12.20141001~bpo70+1) wheezy-backports; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for wheezy-backports.
 nagios-plugins-contrib (12.20141001) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fix version number.
     Unfortunately this makes an upload necessary due to
     older snapshots being in use already.
 nagios-plugins-contrib (11.20141001) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [c48b2fba] Auto update of debian/control
   * [53787970] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [54c6b89b] Add check_hp_bladechassis.
   * [779307ef] Add missing " " around a filename variable in update_checksums.
   * [a26ff221] Add check_uptime plugin.
   * [e2a97b03] Auto update of debian/control
   * [284db8fa] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [02769ec2] Updating changelog.
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [a4e3d3ab] Reorder patch series
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [a1793637] check-libs: Use lsof -nP
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [497cef52] monitoring-plugins is the ways to got, so we recommend/enhance it
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [899be56b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master'
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [6d9f7c6f] check_bgpstate: disable epn via patches/check_bgpstate/epn
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [462d412b] Merge pull request #51 from mstock/bugfix/running-kernel-on-kfreebsd.
     Escape '+' in 'uname -v' output in freebsd_check_running_version()
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [482b9bfb] Merge branch 'check_httpd_status_153' into update
   * [5d8c1517] Merge branch 'check_mongodb_60b639ef4c' into update
   * [fca59f8b] Merge branch 'check_raid_32' into update
   * [d425c2d1] Merge branch 'check_zone_rrsig_expiration_111' into update
   * [14476fe2] Merge branch 'percona-nagios-plugins_114' into update
   * [277a24e1] check_raid: Raise suggest of cciss-vol-status to >= 1.10
   * [5e3d1834] check_ipmi_sensor: Update watch location
   * [c2599a4c] Updating VCS-headers
   * [2ccefe74] check_uptime: Update watch location
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [2f5c758f] update check_libs homepage and watch url
   * [cd40ea09] check_libs: fix lsof output parsing for OpenVZ
     check_libs sometimes parses files incorrectly
     inside an OpenVZ container (wheezy host and guest, proxmox ve
     2.6.32 kernel):
     Running /usr/bin/lsof -F0 -n
     adding bash(28081) because of [ (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG]:
     f1aul tREGG0x8002;0x0D0x6ds218i9441399k0n (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG
     adding bash(28081) because of [ (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG]:
     f2aul tREGG0x8002;0x0D0x6ds218i9441399k0n (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG
     adding puppet(28244) because of [ (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG]:
     f1aul tREGG0x8002;0x0D0x6ds218i9441399k0n (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG
     adding puppet(28244) because of [ (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG]:
     f2aul tREGG0x8002;0x0D0x6ds218i9441399k0n (deleted)/tmp/tmpfXKFYTG
     The following processes have libs linked that were upgraded: root: bash
     (28081), puppet (28244)
     So in some cases there is a space in front of "(deleted)".
     Attached is a patch that fixes this.
     Thanks to Felix Geyer <felix.geyer at credativ.de> (Closes: #760373)
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [7dccd2a2] Merge pull request #50 from petterreinholdtsen/checks-from-sitesummary.
     Checks from sitesummary-client
   * [36c3d9a1] Revert "Add check_kernel_status module from the sitesummary-client package."
     This reverts commit b63d12999ffa00f6b1108c21fceeeae12e260c77.
     We have check_kernel for linux and kfreebsd already.
   * [99cbfb3c] Revert "Add check_cups_queue module from the sitesummary-client package."
     This reverts commit 99951c619705578470b1786999361d232fa9cba6.
     check_cups should handle these things just fine.
   * [5525ee99] Updating check_printer.
   * [4302e534] Fix version number of check_uptime.
   * [399a5a40] Updating check_rbl to 1.3.5
   * [11320c50] Update check_ipmi_sensor to 3.4
   * [d6d96ff5] Refreshing patches.
   * [f92be1cf] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [b528bd11] Do not depend on perl-base.
   * [72597951] Auto update of debian/control
 nagios-plugins-contrib (11.20140704) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [106aea0c] Update control file to reflect the shiped check_rbl version 1.3.2
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [d654cba2] ignore locale-archive in check_libs
     thanks h01ger!
   * [4e9f28d2] revert nagios-check-libs source back to the original config path
     patch our version only once, but with the correct path
   * [607d1162] update nagios-check-libs to the latest upstream version
   * [8a40ddb2] update check_libs checksum in control
   * [9cc86dee] check_libs: add /var/lib/nginx/ to the ignorelist
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [c712680b] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [0ff31881] Auto update of debian/control
   * [be858113] Add percona nagios plugins.
   * [be3753f9] Suggest percona-toolkit as Suggests.
   * [09e70d62] Updaring changelog.
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [7e7d34f6] check_mongodb: Update to latest git version
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [f31fc76d] Update check_mysql_health web documentation url.
   * [101305b6] Update check-multipath to 0.2.1
   * [111a0b42] Refreshing patches.
   * [30fe69ff] Auto update of debian/control
 nagios-plugins-contrib (10.20140427) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [0029d09d] check_email_delivery: Use full binary path instead of $ macro in command definition
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [1028de53] use = instead of == in shell comparisons
      /bin/sh: 4: [: dh_auto_clean: unexpected operator
     for /bin/sh != /bin/bash
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [6bc6ae0e] Merge pull request #39 from evgeni/no-bashisms
     use = instead of == in shell comparisons
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [92a64933] check_raid: Update to latest git version
   * [646ae3cf] check_ssl_cert: Update to 1.16.0
   * [5810c290] check_whois: Update to 1.15
   * [62ed2f18] check_httpd_status: Update to rev148
   * [b5c5becf] check_mongodb: Update copyright file.
     Include full copyright to make lintian happy.
   * [64e5aa8b] check_mysql_health: Update copyright file.
     Add reference to GPL license file
   * [ab9066d2] check_hpasm: Update copyright file.
     Add reference to GPL license file
   * [a0a47d2a] check_memory: Update copyright file.
     Update FSF address
   * [0bbd4521] check_rbl: Update copyright file.
     Cosmetical changes
   * [0f533e19] Add '--with autoreconf' to dh calls (Closes: #727468)
       - Build-depend on dh-autoreconf
       - Add check_varnish/automake_foreign patch
       - Specify autoreconf (sub-)dirs in debian/autoreconf
   * [19c052cc] check_multipath: Update to 0.2.0
   * [5c94f9c5] Add Travis-CI configuration
   [ Stanislav German-Evtushenko ]
   * [b04bdeb0] check_drbd: add check for oos and cosmetic.
     1) add check for out of sync sectors (report WARNING for non-zero value)
     2) cosmetic: sort device list while processing
   * [13ace27b] small fix: oos is in KiB and not sectors
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [bc434662] check_mongo: Update to latest git version
   * [dbd5989c] check_raid: Update to latest git version
   * [3100e689] check_ssl_cert: Update to 1.16.1 (No source changes)
   * [a7e727c8] check_raid: Update to latest git version (Closes: #742877)
   * [8fcc4d95] check_ssl_cert: Update to 1.16.1 (No source changes)
   * [1d17b5da] Update VCS-* field to uncanonical URI
   * [5529d605] check_memory: Update to new upstream source
   * [18a708fb] check_memory: Update to version 1.0.1
   * [b88fd4ae] check_snmp_time: Preventing to use first person in package description
   * [dfbe25c3] Merge 0f533e1959 and f4cc012a82 into debian/control.in
   * [5a2dff52] Updating debian/copyright and debian/control
   * [dfb170cb] Updating standards version to 3.9.5, no changes needed
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [6af00ac0] Merge pull request #43 from giner/patch-1
     check_drbd: add check for oos and cosmetic
   * [f5deb224] Move b04bdeb025c77e34fdf8ed9eab2f222240297ca3 into a patch file.
   * [4b9f4ad4] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [9774c695] do not build check_varnish and check_memcached on hurd-i386
     also do not build check_memcached on arm64 and check_varnish on m68k
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [2a2e8abe] Add closing brackets fix for check_imap_quota.
   * [244d5d31] Merge pull request #40 from evgeni/hurd
     do not build check_varnish and check_memcached on hurd-i386
   * [b032938a] Use sha1 to check check_libs upstream.
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [eef97dc6] update check_rbl to 1.3.2
     this is a mere documentation update, but having the latest version is always good
   * [2049c14d] dsa-check-cert-expire: Make timers configurable (Closes: #744248)
   * [868f614a] update dsa checks
   * [cd351102] update dsa-chack-packages (Closes: #744922)
   * [8a28edeb] check_varnish: add support for varnish 4 (Closes: #745895)
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [7d537eca] Fix plugin name generation.
   * [5a9e4201] Merge pull request #46 from evgeni/check_rbl_132
     update check_rbl to 1.3.2
   * [d9702669] Merge pull request #47 from evgeni/dsa
     update dsa checks
   * [306e2109] Merge pull request #48 from evgeni/varnish4
     check_varnish: add support for varnish 4
   * [fea80041] Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master'
 nagios-plugins-contrib (9.20140106) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [63ddfa7a] Make checksum file readable for nagios.
   * [583b6cde] Avoid line overflows due to expansion of $0.
   * [9895bf1b] Merge pull request #18 from waja/solid.net
     solid.net seems expired (maybe come back in the future)
   * [31a0dc1f] Fix POD encoding in check_rbl.
     Thanks to David Suárez (Closes: #724175)
   * [a58ff4e7] Run dh_python2 for plugins and normal modules.
   * [cd30e982] Add check_graphite.
   * [e234911d] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [cb276d08] Auto update of debian/control
   * [9dc17c93] Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master'
   * [4e577da9] Revert accidentally merged, duplicated bugfix.
     This reverts commit 98008e4aea3687cff8c7ab3f871809e219591cde.
   * [e8387d2a] Merge pull request #23 from waja/update_check_rbl_1.3.1.
     Update check rbl 1.3.1
   * [826a436e] Merge pull request #24 from waja/update_check_webinject_1.80.
     Update check_webinject to 1.80
   * [5c2907b0] Merge pull request #25 from waja/update_check_whois_1.14.
     Update check_whois to 1.14
   * [e8c11f0a] Merge pull request #26 from waja/fix_check_rbl_patch.
     Remove accidently double added check_rbl/disable_solid.net in patch seri...
   * [bfb67e88] Use dh --with autotools_dev. (Closes: #727468)
   * [363af25f] Auto update of debian/control
   * [952811b3] Run dh --with autotools_dev in the clean target, too.
   * [8898d503] Merge pull request #27 from waja/check_cups.
     Check cups
   * [8abc4359] Merge pull request #28 from waja/check_mongodb.
     Add check_mongodb plugin
   * [423e59f0] Merge pull request #30 from waja/fix_check_rbl.
     Fix version of check_rbl in control file
   * [00be70e5] Merge pull request #33 from waja/check_bgpstate.
     Add check_bgpstate plugin
   * [9591a3ca] Merge pull request #29 from waja/check_drbd.
     Add check_drdb plugin
   * [5f531a44] Merge pull request #32 from waja/fix_check_webinject_epn.
     Disable epn for check_webinject, cause it leaves temp files around
   * [ef8ba64d] Remove 'read LICENSE ...' from check_graphite/copyright
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [5c207ef5] Add check_snmp_time plugin
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [a6165e60] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
   * [de5770f4] Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master'
   * [41c9df6a] Merge pull request #38 from evgeni/ignore-ganeti
     check_libs: ignore /var/lib/ganeti/
   * [4badebed] Merge pull request #37 from evgeni/check-raid-305.
     Update check_raid to 3.0.5
 nagios-plugins-contrib (8.20130824) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [3bce1c4b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'debian/master'
   * [bcf6f1d9] Merge remote-tracking branch 'bzed/master'
   * [d436ca0e] Fixing check_raid for 3ware controllers when reporting "NOT-PRESENT" (Closes: #692598)
   * [8f55cc69] add patch check_raid/3ware_fix_notpresent
   * [506000a8] Merge remote-tracking branch 'bzed/master'
   * [62bbdd2f] disable epn
   * [6c73c15b] Auto update of debian/control
   * [5e43a9ae] update check_ssl_cert
   * [ad1c463d] update check_ssl_cert
   * [4975ff97] Revert "Fixing check_raid for 3ware controllers when reporting "NOT-PRESENT""
     This reverts commit d436ca0e6a4e3147265627afd256856c9fab3836.
   * [f6c71f97] drop removed patch
   * [4e52a4ad] Merge remote-tracking branch 'bzed/master'
   * [c01cd192] fix typo in patches/check_rbl/epn
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [a61aefc4] Add syslog output to check_checksums
   * [62d55e7e] New plugin: check_ajp
   * [5a00818c] Auto update of debian/control
   * [eb29e6c6] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [cf6c7f44] Delete unused patch file check_raid/cciss_bugfix
   * [a3e036b7] Fix an error message in check_raid if not using cciss_vol_status.
     Use of uninitialized value in -x at /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_raid
     line 2495.
     Thanks to Stefan Kaltenbrunner
   * [6dddc838] Updating changelog.
   * [192396b7] Fix check_ajp to return CRITICAL on connection errors.
   * [d8d41faf] Add config file for check_ajp.
   * [4e092c04] Read 5 bytes only - thats all an AJP pong needs.
   * [26cb156f] Be nice and close the AJP connection socket.
   * [ccc8f7d6] check_ajp: print an error message if --app is not specified.
   * [915d3708] Add -epn to check_packages.
     Thanks to Salvatore Bonaccorso (Closes: #691012)
   * [240ca0fc] Updating date/version in changelog.
   * [8534630e] Update DSA nagios checks/scripts
   * [5078ff97] Refresh patches for new dsa plugin versions
 nagios-plugins-contrib (7.20130614) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Bernd Zeimetz ]
   * [036816ff] Merge pull request #15 from evgeni/master
     check_packages should find security updates on the official security mirror too
   * [658a2e93] Add check_checksums nagios plugin.
   * [9d5d2056] Updating check_raid.
   * [e3ec1293] Updating check_ssl_cert to 1.14.6
   * [779543ef] Updating check_hpasm to
   * [0c838ee9] Updating check_multipath to 0.1.9
   * [bec11251] Updating check_whois to 1.13
   * [8e0a65d0] Refreshing patches.
   * [c0b88cdb] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [59648a17] Fix src link for check_hpasm
   * [8c242d0f] Support pre-Wheezy versions of coretutils in check_checksums.
   * [7d3d2a06] Update release date in changelog (gah!).
   * [768e463b] Merge pull request #16 from evgeni/master
     check_libs: ignore /var/lib/postgresql/ and /var/log/
   * [2b9aace5] Bumping standards-Verison, no changes needed.
   [ Jan Wagner ]
   * [3bb873e4] disable epn for check_rbl
   [ Evgeni Golov ]
   * [2a7ab4b8] check_libs: ignore /var/spool/
 nagios-plugins-contrib (6.20130521) unstable; urgency=low
   * [e68c82e1] check_raid: do not run hpacucli if cciss_vol_status is available.
   * [4a1c57e8] Also support tw-cli as additional name for the 3ware binary.
     Thanks to Dennis Hoppe
   * [eb5e1c7c] Add /run/ to the check_libs ignore file.
 nagios-plugins-contrib (5.20130307) experimental; urgency=low
   * [aa113517] Fix typos s/Recommands/Recommends/
   * [8e2b3019] Ensure typoed fieldnames in control files are not ignored.
   * [ecead75d] Add extras folder.
   * [0423b2a4] Add check_memory.
   * [90ba4bec] Better command example for send_nsca_host_or_service_check_result
   * [a564c43d] Add check_nfsmounts.
   * [dc3d5425] Add Recommends for check_nfsmounts.
   * [bf12e2e0] Add check_apt for check_multi.
   * [52d46e1a] Add perl dependencies automatically.
   * [e77b2058] Fix building check_memcached in Ubuntu.
   * [98c1f4c1] extras needs to Suggests only.
   * [f84d3678] Add check_clamav.
   * [05cca8f6] Merge branch 'master' of vasks.debian.org:/git/pkg-nagios/pkg-nagios-plugins-contrib
   * [80415a76] Add some missing directories to the check-libs config.
   * [08a91068] Add check_varnish
   * [15385538] Fix watch line of check_clamav.
   * [74bf1d94] Update check_raid to version 3.0
   * [26209f4e] Update check_hpasm to 4.6.3
   * [6cd0fa8f] Updating check_multipath to 0.1.8
   * [34fa0ffc] Updating check_mysql_health to
   * [9e3f357d] Updating check_ssl_cert to 1.14.4
   * [6e6813a9] Refreshing patches.
   * [b6f439c4] Remove unused check_varnish Makefile.
   * [6151979b] Rename buggy auto-generated libexec directory.
   * [4c08976d] Add pkg-config as check_varnish build dependency.
   * [05f09fee] Auto update of debian/copyright
   * [9d462776] Auto update of debian/control
   * [09060a70] Add --enable-stack-protector to default options.
   * [37896ae4] Add a cciss related bugfix to check_raid.
 9c3b79048c6ad72b06005d8293ee6878b120d623 1993 nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1.dsc
 9c14dfe229985460d164cc5504941549222ae1a3 1272824 nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1.tar.gz
 9c507d11c6fe0c489569aa6cb212337c8004c909 499628 nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1_amd64.deb
 1d214b500bed6f9a66092e73bbb63f9b111c1f6bcbfdc908f9c16debe101318e 1993 nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1.dsc
 be8ebd209f0a6f5c4faa1b3b7fb3bc234934466c695bca2ba7b034d9ec975457 1272824 nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1.tar.gz
 c2da12f8a708675d02044311ca85066f831c1e18fa12e322389c9ac141831eb2 499628 nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1_amd64.deb
 a0a240397788b1440b2d6e94e0deea0e 1993 net extra nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1.dsc
 a82ff7890ee12c2776551253621e281d 1272824 net extra nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1.tar.gz
 9fbd7d148e79b0eb92b5175445057fe8 499628 net extra nagios-plugins-contrib_16.20151226~bpo70+1_amd64.deb

Version: GnuPG v1


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