[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#860802: Bug#860802: nagios-nrpe-server: nrpe daemon doesn't log client IP address

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Apr 20 10:18:00 UTC 2017

Control: tags -1 upstream
Control: forwarded -1 

Hi Ralf,

Since this is an upstream issue, I've forwarded your request upstream.

On 2017-04-20 12:07, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
> I'm seeing scans from hosts on the internet like follows:

Due to NRPEs security track record you should really put the NRPE 
services behind a firewall and only allow connections from your 
Nagios/Icinga server(s), i.e. the allowed_hosts.

Kind Regards,


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