[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#912599: Bug#912599: icinga2-common: incinga2-common fails to install cleanly (hidden dep on icinga2)

Lee Garrett debian at rocketjump.eu
Fri Nov 2 17:58:51 GMT 2018

Hi Sebastiaan,

On 01/11/2018 20:15, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:> Hi Lee,
> On 11/1/18 6:41 PM, Lee Garrett wrote:
>> installing icinga2-common on a system that does not have icinga2 installed
>> as follows:
>> [...]
>> Installing icinga2 directly, which pulls in icinga2-common, makes the
>> installation go through cleanly.
> Installing icinga2-common by itself makes no sense.
I agree, though there might be corner cases where this might happen, like
during dist-upgrade.

>> Besides the policy violation it makes it hard to install icinga2 with the chef
>> cookbook at https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/icinga2, as it installs every
>> package after each other (with a version number restriction).
> I have no sympathy for broken configuration management. The cookbook not
> working is something you need take up with its developer.
Indeed, they unfortunately happen to be the cookbooks provided by upstream.

Thanks for the quick fix!


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