[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#976218: Bug#976218: nagios-plugins-contrib: diff for NMU version 27.20200511+1+nmu1

Christoph Biedl debian.axhn at manchmal.in-ulm.de
Mon Dec 7 21:05:47 GMT 2020

Jan Wagner wrote...

> Hi Chirstoph,
> thanks for taking care.

You're welcome.

> 1.124.0 is already integrated into VCS
> (https://salsa.debian.org/nagios-team/pkg-nagios-plugins-contrib/-/commit/6827b67108fcaafb5c73de8d7b44d71b2a7e6cf3),
> so you can delay this a bit more. Actually I'm working hard to get the
> latest VCS into unstable but I have to work on some other issues as well.

Okay, I've removed the upload from the queue as I really like to avoid
disrupting the maintainers' workflow by doing a NMU. However, I'd
appreciate if you could deal with this pretty soon as it is delaying the
testing migration of a fairly important package. Perhaps upload a new
check-ssl only and keep the rest for a later one?

    Christoph, as well with a long list of chores
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