[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#990457: Bug#990457: monitoring-plugins-contrib: Too many things in the same package leads to recommends being ignored most of the time

Gabriel Filion gabriel at koumbit.org
Fri Jul 2 20:13:40 BST 2021


On 2021-06-29 16 h 08, Jan Wagner wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> Am 29.06.21 um 19:34 schrieb Gabriel Filion:
>> I would like to suggest breaking up this package into smaller binary 
>> packages
>> that are focused on one application/service per package. This way one 
>> could
>> install only the checks that are required with their individual 
>> requirements.
> as you may have read the documentation and used our suggested way to 
> solve your problem by not installing the recommands automatically, our 
> plan worked out.
> Anyway ... if you would like to do the work to draft such a package 
> split, you can send MRs via 
> https://salsa.debian.org/nagios-team/pkg-nagios-plugins-contrib/, which 
> would be very welcomed.
> With kind regards, Jan.

I unfortunately will be unavailable for the next month.

also I'm still very much a beginner with debian packaging, so I'm not 
certain that I'll know exactly all of the details that need to be handled.

So I'm afraid that I unfortunately won't be able to push this forward 
for some time :\

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