[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#1019814: Bug#1019814: icinga2: Please transition to wxwidgets3.2

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Sep 15 04:56:19 BST 2022

Control: tags -1 pending

On 9/14/22 23:55, Scott Talbert wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2022, Olly Betts wrote:
>>> Please transition icinga2 from wxwidgets3.0 to wxwidgets3.2.
>> [...]
>>> For most packages, the transition should be as simple as changing
>>> Build-Depends from libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev to libwxgtk3.2-dev. Some
>>> packages may require small patches; I'm happy to help with those (and
>>> I have some already from working on this transition in Fedora
>>> already).
>> The wx build dependency is no longer actually used by icinga2 - the
>> binary packages don't have any generated dependency on the wx runtime
>> libraries, and the source of the package doesn't seem to contain any
>> references to wxWidgets outside of changelog files and debian/control:
>> $ grep -ir '\(lib\|\<\)wx' 2>/dev/null
>> CHANGELOG.md:* [#3663](https://github.com/icinga/icinga2/issues/3663) 
>> (Documentation): Update wxWidgets documentation for Icinga Studio
>> CHANGELOG.md:* [#3628](https://github.com/icinga/icinga2/issues/3628) 
>> (Documentation): Mention wxWidget \(optional\) requirement in INSTALL.md
>> debian/changelog:  * Switch to wxWidgets GTK 3 implementation.
>> debian/control:               libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev,
>> agent/windows-setup-agent/SetupWizard.resx:        
>> mjgxdm0pQvOqLMUqU/wxa0usZMmEXH/WTBqd4y/mP/aLYqtHp5St3n9zNGd7NV5YU44JOSWEt3JM21SJ
>> I think this is probably due to this change in 2.9.0-1:
>>  * Drop icinga2-studio package, removed upstream.
>> So just dropping libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev from Build-Depends looks to be
>> the correct course of action here.
> Yep, seems like they've already done that in git:
> https://salsa.debian.org/nagios-team/icinga2/-/commit/cdd6c9fba957c5add597d67bf353846845d629e5

Correct, tagging this issue accordingly.

Kind Regards,


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