[Pkg-netatalk-devel] Bug#685878: netatalk 3 and time machine support

Matt Taggart taggart at debian.org
Sun Nov 26 21:13:30 UTC 2017

I did some more reading about netatalk support for Apple Time Machine 
backups. I found this post that mentions apple plans to phase out AFP in 
favor of SMB over the long term.


AFP will continue to be supported for quite a while due to it's use in 
older versions of MacOS, and devices like Time Capsule, etc. But the 
future will be SMB.

It's would still be useful to have the newer netatalk3 in debian (and 
derivatives) to quickly be able to support the existing things out 
there, the SMB stuff isn't ready yet and I predict netatalk will still 
be useful for many years.

The above post mentions that Apple has talked to the samba project about 
what things will be needed in order to support Time Machine via SMB. I 
found this bug in the samba bug tracker


which mentions it should become available in samba 4.8 (currently not 
yet released or in Debian).

Matt Taggart
taggart at debian.org

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