[Pkg-netatalk-devel] More patches to flag as submitted upstream

Daniel Markstedt markstedt at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 06:23:34 BST 2023

Now I've gotten all of the above, plus the following merged into upstream


In addition, the following contributed patch has been merged as well:


On Sun, Mar 26, 2023 at 4:04 PM Daniel Markstedt <markstedt at gmail.com>

> HI Jonas,
> I reviewed all of the active netatalk3 patches:
> https://udd.debian.org/patches.cgi?src=netatalk&version=3.1.14~ds-1
> The following ones have been filed as PRs upstream, some already merged,
> some pending.
> 100~20160429~b30a2ba.patch
> 103_fix_typos.patch
> 104_modernize_systemd.patch
> 205_add-support-for-tracker3.patch
> I think they can be flagged now and very likely excluded from a future
> potential 3.1.15 release.
> Are there any others on that list that you think are universally useful
> for all OSes, and should be merged into upstream too?
> Best,
> Daniel
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