[Pkg-netatalk-devel] Bug#1098577: netatalk: FTBFS: dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) "etc/netatalk/dbus-session.conf"

Daniel Markstedt daniel at mindani.net
Sun Feb 23 23:28:05 GMT 2025

Hi Santiago,

Thank you for reporting the issue. Looking at the full build log, I can see that this is caused by Meson failing to find the sparql dependency:

Run-time dependency tracker-sparql-3.0 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Run-time dependency tracker-sparql-2.0 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Run-time dependency tracker-sparql-1.0 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
../meson.build:895: WARNING: Tracker SPARQL or TinySPARQL not found (required for Spotlight support)

In order to get a better understanding, would it be possible to see the full Meson log in build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt ?
Beyond that, my next step would be to see if anything changed in the libtracker-sparql-3.0-* package in Unstable that could lead to this failure.

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