[Pkg-netatalk-devel] Comments on netatalk 2.2.5-1

Brian Campbell brian.campbell at editshare.com
Wed Apr 23 18:08:29 UTC 2014

On Apr 23, 2014 12:25 PM, "Jonas Smedegaard" <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
> As you might have noticed, I finalized and released netatalk 2.2.5-1.

Great, thanks!

> I agreed with most of the changes - except mostly stylistic details.
> Comments below...
> Quoting Chris Boot (2014-04-19 15:49:23)
> > I've setup a temporary separate netatalk.git on Alioth just to stage
> > my changes for now:
> >
> > http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=users/bootc-guest/netatalk.git
> It find it much easier if we stick to one git most possible.

Agreed. That's why I pushed my tentative changes into a branch like "team".

> Only situation I find it sensible to make a separate git is when
> uncertain about changes involving tags, rebasing of commits, and import
> of new upstream releases - because such changes are not contained within
> a branch.
> I suggest that for "draft" branches we use tmp/$branch to clearly
> indicate to the World (and ourselves) that it may disappear again at any
> moment.

That sounds reasonable.

> The "team" branch seems obsolete now.  Anyone against that I remove it?

I've removed it. I had just added it so that I would have somewhere to push
my changelog commit, without making it a pain if you wanted to add other
changes and build the changelog yourself.

I've also deleted the "backports" branch as that's now merged; it was
another tentative branch. I'll use your suggested "tmp/" prefix in the
future for tentative branches like this.

> > On 19/04/14 14:02, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > > Quoting Chris Boot (2014-04-19 14:03:19)
> > >> Any objections to making those changes?
> > >
> > > Sounds perfectly sensible to me.
> >
> >
> >
> >>> W: netatalk source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright line 180:
> >>> Duplicate field copyright.
> >>
> >> Most likely that's related to my style of writing DEP5 copyright
> >> files
> [snip]
> > I think this time it was accurate,
> Right!
> ...but that commit of yours highlight an stylistic issue of mine:
> Please commit actual changes separately from auto-generated ones and
> meta changes like changelog updates.  That eases e.g. cherry-picking
> across branches.
> control file is auto-generated from control.in, with this command:
>   debian/rules clean DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1
> Put as first line of the commit message the text as is likely useful to
> reuse in changelog, and then (either immediately afterwards or later,
> perhaps only once just before releasing the package) run "git dch -a"
> and tidy its result.
> Another issue: Changelog is a log of *changes* - i.e. mainly what
> happened to the code, and only secondarily why it was done and which
> bugs it solved.  I took the liberty to rewrite some of your changelog
> entries - hope you don't mind.

No problem.

> Third issue: Beware when auto-updating control from control.in to
> actually double-check the result and document appropriately in
> changelog.  I took the liberty to credit you, Brian, for updating a
> couple of package relations.

Ah, yep. Didn't know if I needed to mention auto-generated relations like
that. Thanks for the heads up.

> If in doubt why CDBS changes some package relelations, please ask - I am
> aware that CDBS is lousy at documenting what it does - I simply know
> most of it by heart.
> I sincerely hope to be more responsive in the future - I am really
> really happy to have netatalk moved to team-maintenance.
> Netatalk has been my "baby" since around 2001. Please do complain if you
> feel I am too reluctant to let go of control over some parts. :-)

I understand! Glad we could help out, hope that our help isn't taking more
of your time than just doing it yourself would.

> NB! Please both of you add yourself as "Uploaders" in control.in, no
> matter if you have actual upload rights: We use that field to indicate
> who is actively maintaining this particular package in our team - which
> is our only package so we should all be added there (the "team upload"
> hint in changelog is arguably only for "unusual" team uploads done by
> "others" in the team than the main maintainers).

Added myself; I'll let Chris add himself.

>  - Jonas
> --
>  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
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