[Pkg-netatalk-devel] Bug#685878: Netatalk?

Gaetan RYCKEBOER gaetan at ryckeboer.org
Thu Dec 4 08:24:36 UTC 2014

Le Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 05:28:15PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
> Hi Gaetan,
> Quoting Gaetan RYCKEBOER (2014-12-03 16:54:26)
> > Le Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 01:19:29PM +0100, Gaetan RYCKEBOER a écrit : I 
> > am still waiting for SuSE response, but this is the license for the 
> > other files of netatalk 2.2 :
> Thanks for your input.
> Please elaborate: How did you resolve those licensing terms?

In fact, it is not so easy, but in the main target files, there is a
link to "COPYRIGHT" or "COPYING" files.
For some, I had to browse the upstream package, or directly ask the
writers of the code to tell them how they want to distribute their

For the SuSE template file (which may eventually be removed if we dont
have any answer at all), there are no licence / redist informations on
the websites I search in.


« Qui pisse loin ménage ses chaussures. » 
« Qui pisse au vent se rince les dents. »

Gaétan RYCKEBOER -- Message imprimé sur papier recycle 2.0

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