[pkg-netfilter-team] Bug#946932: /usr/sbin/ebtables-nft-restore requires /etc/ethertypes

Alberto Molina Coballes alb.molina at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 12:36:15 GMT 2019

Hi Marco,

/etc/ethertypes is obtained directly from upstream (ebtables), no
changes are made to its packaging in Debian and I suposse that the
same file has not been modified for years, because ebtables is not
under active development.

It's fine to remove historical entries, especially including ethertype
file in a package such as netbase.

> Also, where do the names in the first column come from, since they are 
> not in the IANA registry?

I don't know, but they're used by ebtables to refer to ethertypes by
name like it's shown in the original message of this bug.



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