[Pkg-netmeasure-discuss] Bug#861753: ITP: measurement-kit -- Portable C++11 network measurement library

Iain R. Learmonth irl at debian.org
Wed May 3 14:46:50 UTC 2017

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Iain R. Learmonth" <irl at debian.org>

* Package name    : measurement-kit
  Version         : 0.6.0
  Upstream Author : OONI <ooni-dev at lists.torproject.org>
* URL             : https://github.com/measurement-kit/measurement-kit
* License         : BSD-2-clause
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Portable C++11 network measurement library

MeasurementKit is a library that implements open network measurement
methodologies (performance, censorship, etc.) and targets mobile platforms
(Android and iOS).

It is meant to be embedded by third party applications with specific network
measurement needs and/or to be used by researchers as a basis to implement
novel tools.


This package will be maintained by the Internet Measurement Packaging Team
<pkg-netmeasure-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org>.


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