[Pkg-netmeasure-discuss] scamper pkg - upstream imports/pristine-tar

Matt Brown mattb at debian.org
Tue Jan 1 21:41:26 GMT 2019

Hi Ana,

First, thanks for your help and work on keeping the scamper package updated
recently. I'm finding myself having some more time for Debian work lately
so I started to take a look at taking my turn to update the package for the
latest release (20181219).

In trying to do that I'm a bit confused about the state of the repository
as it doesn't seem to match the format I'd expect from git-buildpackage,
specifically the last two revisions imported (20180309 and 20180504) don't
seem to be present in the upstream and pristine-tar branches as I'd expect
gbp import-orig to do - e.g. the last commit on both these branches is for

https://salsa.debian.org/ineteng-team/scamper/commits/pristine-tar and
https://salsa.debian.org/ineteng-team/scamper/commits/upstream help to
illustrate the problem.

Can you recall if this is/was intentional? or I'm wondering if this was a
mistake (e.g. maybe a wrong parameter to gbp --upstream-branch and a
missing --pristine-tar option)?

Assuming this isn't intentional, then I think just a couple of runs of the
gbp pristine-tar command to update the patch files in the branch will be
enough to get us back on track (we'll still be missing the upstream branch
commits, but I don't think that's a blocking problem, mostly cosmetic).

Look forward to hearing from you.


Matt Brown
m <matt at mattb.net.nz>attb at debian.org
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