[Pkg-netmeasure-discuss] scamper sniff: sniff_state_alloc: could not get dl: Success

Marek Küthe m.k at mk16.de
Sat Feb 10 09:21:00 GMT 2024


I have now also obtained the debug log for the sniff with the WireGuard
$ scamper -O warts -o test.warts -I "sniff -S fd04:234e:fc31:e::21 -c 10 icmp[icmpid] == 1" -d test.log
[09:19:15:997] sniff_state_alloc: could not get dl: No such file or directory
$cat test.log 
[09:19:15:844] privsep_send_rc: rc: 0, error: 0, msg_type: 0x12
[09:19:15:845] scamper_fds_init: fd table size: 1024
[09:19:15:845] fds_epoll_init: fd 5
[09:19:15:845] addr2mac_add: ifindex 3 ip mac b8:ac:6f:48:b2:ae expire 1707556815
[09:19:15:845] addr2mac_add: ifindex 3 ip mac 70:4d:7b:63:0f:6d expire 1707556815
[09:19:15:845] addr2mac_add: ifindex 3 ip fe80::9683:c4ff:fe21:f208 mac 94:83:c4:21:f2:08 expire 1707556815
[09:19:15:845] addr2mac_add: ifindex 3 ip dd28:64a0:31d0:0:9d4c:5cd1:5441:e7ae mac 70:4d:7b:63:0f:6d expire 1707556815
[09:19:15:845] addr2mac_add: ifindex 3 ip fe80::cd40:b4ce:144d:33d4 mac 70:4d:7b:63:0f:6d expire 1707556815
[09:19:15:845] privsep_send_fd: fd: 4 error: 0 msg_type: 0x02
[09:19:15:846] outfile_alloc: name test.warts fd 7
[09:19:15:846] privsep_send_fd: fd: 4 error: 0 msg_type: 0x02
[09:19:15:846] scamper_sources_add: name default
[09:19:15:937] privsep_send_fd: fd: 4 error: 0 msg_type: 0x01
[09:19:15:937] scamper_fd_dl: fd 8 type dl 10
[09:19:15:937] dl_linux_node_init: dnet unhandled datalink 65534
[09:19:15:997] fd_free: fd 8 type dl 10
[09:19:15:997] sniff_state_alloc: could not get dl: No such file or directory
[09:19:15:997] source_free: name default
[09:19:15:997] outfile_free: name test.warts fd 7
[09:19:15:998] fd_free: fd 4 type private

Marek Küthe

Marek Küthe
m.k at mk16.de
er/ihm he/him
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