[Pkg-nginx-maintainers] [BUG] stretch's nginx-extras

Christos Trochalakis yatiohi at ideopolis.gr
Fri Jun 23 08:26:11 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 06:35:00AM +0000, !? wrote:
>Thanks for your reply.
>> unless you have manually edited nginx.conf at some point.
>I'm using nginx-extras for years with Debian 8.
>So this problem should not be "nginx.conf"'s fault.
>This issue starts after I upgrade to Debian 9(with appropriate upgrade
>step of course).

Nginx started using dynamic modules in stretch (Debian 9).

>> Can you please check that you have the following line is present
>> near the top of your /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file:
>> include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;
>I don't have such line.

During dist-upgrade you are prompted with a diff regarding nginx.conf,
that diff includes the "/etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf" line. There
is also a NEWS entry about that change.

>> when I search "include"...
>> Line : include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
>> Line :  include fastcgi_params;
>> Line :  include fastcgi_params;
>I was able to use "more_clear_headers" without "include
>/etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;" in Debian 8. Why?

Because jessie's nginx was not using dynamic modules. Nowdays the
modules need to be loaded in order to parse the relevant configuration

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