[Pkg-nginx-maintainers] Solution for Urban City - eBike
AIK Distribution - eBike
promotion at superbikes.club
Sun Mar 15 23:11:25 GMT 2020
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New eColors in May 2020
No images? Click here
Reserve Your Dragon eBike
Pre-Order promote price, be the one of the first owners of Dragon eBike
in your town by placing a deposit. Your fully refundable reservation
secures your place in the queue. You will have the option to select
between colour at the time of the final payment. Reservations are
non-transferable. Limit 1 reservation per customer. Browse Now
Browse Now
New eColors
Dragon eBlue Reserve Now → Dragon eWhite Reserve Now
Dragon eRed Reserve Now → Dragon eGreen
Reserve Now →
Design and Manufacture
Designed in Poland. Engineered and Manufacture in a top European
Factory. Pure joy, no acceleration throttle, no gear changer, no
learning curve. eBike understands how you want to ride.
Check eBike Spec →
Mobile App iOS/Android iOS/Android
Cloud connected Via SmartPhone Cellular Module
Sharing Option – ✓
Find my eBike – ✓
Remotely lock/unlock – ✓
Tampering Alarms – ✓
Cruise Control – ✓
One Button Controls – ✓
Remote Diagnosis – ✓
Over the Air Updates – ✓
Easy to Fit in the Trunk
Built from light magnesium alloys and automotive grade aluminum eBike
is easy to fold and lift in your car trunk without spending time at the
Find More →
Ul. Syta 52C | 02-991 Warszawa | Poland AIK Distribution Sp. z o.o.
NIP: PL9512354013
Email Preferences
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