[Pkg-nginx-maintainers] Pre-Order your eBike today

DragoneBike reservation at bestebike.club
Thu Apr 9 07:20:00 BST 2020

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 pkg-nginx-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org - Ta oferta jest
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Wersja online

 Dragon eBike will be ready for delivery in May 2020

Dragon eBike production is started and the first delivery will happen
during the May 2020, All orders will be fulfilled according to time of
completed of purchase. Don't wait, secure your place in line and be one
of the first own a Dragon Bike in your town

Wybierz, aby dowiedzieć się więcej



250W Brushless Geared



36V 7.8Ah Removable






Up to 25km/h



LCD Display



Dowiedz się więcej


  Hybrid Honeycomb Tires

Dragon eBike come with two sets of tires, conventional tires and Hybrid
Honeycomb tires. Say goodbye to flat-tires, while having the ride
feeling of inflatable tires. Embedded in honeycomb tires, there are
small air pockets, inflated independently.

 See specification

  Easy to Fit in the Trunk

Light and Foldable, built from light magnesium alloys and automotive
grade Aluminium eBike is easy to fold and lift in your car trunk
without spending time at the gym.

 See specification

Making reservation today you save 46% off retail price, by using
Pre-Order promote price. Reservation today, you secures your place in
the queue for delivery in May 2020. Reserve more than one eBike, and we
give you free shipping for all


Home  Warranty  Specification  Contact  Reservation

* Privacy Policy

 After we register your payment, you will receive email who confirm
your reservation. If we do not receive funds in 3 business days your
reservation will be automatically canceled without notice

You are make reservation for Pre-Order promote price of 450.00€ (Excl.
Tax ) for Dragon eBike. As a shipping method, we offer flat rate
International Bike delivery in amount of 19.99€ per unit which includes
all EU destination. Dragon eBike production is started and the first
delivery will happen during the May 2020, All orders will be fulfilled
according to time of completed of purchase


>From Monday 23 March 2020, PayPal has introduced new rules behavior
towards clients which promise in most case, "HOLD" funds for security
reasons at least 21 days but can be prolonge up to 180 days. if we
continue to accepting PayPal as payment method, this will certainly
slow down our production and delay delivery for significant time. In
order to meet the deadlines, we decided to all future transaction
accept only by Bank Transfer, at least until COVID-19 pandemia has

 Copyright © 2002-2020 AIK Distribution Ltd.. Wszelkie prawa
zastrzeżone. Dragone eBike (Europe) S.z o.o. Syta 52C 02-991 Warszawa
Poland KRS 0000412816 REGON 146024013 NIP 9512354013. email:
contact at dragon.bike, support line (22) 219 6115


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