[Pkg-nginx-maintainers] Zwei zum Preis von einem plus ein Geschenk
buiro at dragon.bike
Mon Aug 17 10:11:56 BST 2020
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.font-16-price { font-size: 18px!important; } Get the best value and
free gift !
Useful and Manageable
Dragon eBike can be a basic, additional or occasional transport
solution. Foldable design provide easy carrying and storage. You can
drive to work or take on vacation. Due to its unique design and small
dimension, it is very suitable for children and adults as well. eBike
is certified to carry max 100kg. Thanks to the high-strong frame made
of alloy Magnesium-Aluminum we tested successfully eBike on weight over
120 km which is best results in class. LG Li-Ion Custom-Design battery
pack, was able to last almost 40km on flat road which is quite enough
for a daily ride.
Our offer in August for You
The Dragon electric bike offers you a combination of great value &
European engineering and quality. In addition to the current seasonal
discount, we offer you a coupon code TBLA that will further reduce the
final value. If you intend to buy Dragon eBike for company purpose, you
can take advantage by purchasing without VAT. With all orders made in
August we ship extra battery pack by purchasing at least 2 e-bikes,
while stocks last
Get the offer
© 2020 AIK Distribution Ltd. | AIK Shop, Dragon eBike Warszawa
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For enquiries related to your AIK Account, please contact the
dedicated support
Aik Distribution Sp. z o.o. ul. ALEJA “SOLIDARNOŚCI” 117 M207, 00-140
Warszawa, Poland KRS: 0000412816 REGON 146024013 VAT PL 9512354013
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