[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#416594: nvidia-kernel-source: Workaround still needed

Marc Haber mh+debian-bugs at zugschlus.de
Mon Dec 31 15:36:57 UTC 2007

found #416594 100.14.19-1

On Sat, May 19, 2007 at 10:58:11AM +0100, Ben Wheeler wrote:
> Confirmed that this bug still exists and that the above workaround
> (removing $(ROOT_CMD) from the Main Make command, line 171 of 
> modules/nvidia-kernel/debian/rules) allows the build to succeed.

Unfortunately, I must confirm that a similiar workaround is still needed in
100.14.19-1. I needed to remove the $(ROOT_CMD) from lines 285 and 286
in /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/debian/rules for the build to succeed.

Build log of a failed build:
[116/608]mh at nechayev[chroot sid-kernel]:~/linux/$ fakeroot make-kpkg --append-to-version=-weave --revision= --added-modules=nvidia-kernel modules_image
Warning: The file include/linux/version.h exists
The contained UTS_VERSION string:
does not match expectations:
I'll try and recover
exec debian/rules  DEBIAN_REVISION=  APPEND_TO_VERSION=-weave  KPKG_SELECTED_MODULES="nvidia-kernel"  modules_image
for module in /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel ; do                       \
          if test -d  $module; then                                \
            (cd $module;                                          \
              if ./debian/rules KVERS="" KSRC="/home/mh/linux/" \
                             KMAINT="Marc Haber" KEMAIL="mh+kernel-pkg at zugschlus.de"      \
                             KPKG_DEST_DIR="/home/mh/linux/"       \
                             KPKG_MAINTAINER="Marc Haber"        \
                             KPKG_EXTRAV_ARG="EXTRAVERSION=.12-weave"        \
                             ARCH="i386"         \
                             KDREV="" kdist_image; then    \
                  echo "Module $module processed fine";            \
              else                                                  \
                   echo "Module $module failed.";                  \
                   if [ "Xfakeroot" != "X" ]; then      \
                      echo "Perhaps $module does not understand --rootcmd?";  \
                      echo "If you see messages that indicate that it is not"; \
                      echo "in fact being built as root, please file a bug ";  \
                      echo "against $module.";                     \
                   fi;                                              \
                   echo "Hit return to Continue";                   \
                 read ans;                                        \
              fi;                                                   \
             );                                                    \
          else                                                      \
               echo "Module $module does not exist";               \
               echo "Hit return to Continue?";                      \
          fi;                                                       \
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel'
echo "ROOT_CMD = fakeroot"
ROOT_CMD = fakeroot
fakeroot /usr/bin/make -w -f debian/rules binary_modules
fakeroot: FAKEROOTKEY set to 112370871
fakeroot: nested operation not yet supported
make[1]: *** [kdist_image] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel'
Module /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel failed.
Perhaps /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel does not understand --rootcmd?
If you see messages that indicate that it is not
in fact being built as root, please file a bug
against /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel.
Hit return to Continue

[117/609]mh at nechayev[chroot sid-kernel]:~/linux/$ 

Building against a vanilla

Other modules, such as kqemu and vmware-any-any, build fine with this


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 72739834
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 72739835

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