[pkg-nvidia-devel] Status of nvidia-packages in testing (lenny)

Martin Bretschneider mailing-lists-mmvi at bretschneidernet.de
Sat Feb 23 10:40:59 UTC 2008


I am a long time debian user on the desktop and on the server. On the 
desktop I used unstable for some years but now testing to be more 

I know that the work with the nvidia packages may be complicating: two 
legacy version, five debian versions, two architectures and so on.

I wonder what the current status of the packages in testing is:

The perfect situation would be some kind of relative recent packages of 
nvidia-kernel-* for the linux kernel in testing with the 
nvidia-glx-package. Thus, one would not need to use m-a at all. There 
is also no nvxidia-kernel-source in testing. They are all waiting for 
xorg[1] 1.4 that has unresolved bugs for some months.

Can you tell me your plans? Is there a possibility to help? I guess that 
the nvidia-packages are very important...

TIA  Martin

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