[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#483932: Bug#483932: Console is sometimes in a mess after X server has started

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Sun Jun 1 15:17:37 UTC 2008

On Sun, Jun 01, 2008 at 12:29:17PM +0200, newbeewan wrote:
> Package: nvidia-kernel-source
> Version: 169.12-4
> Severity: important
> Priority: normal
> Hi,
> I'm using nvidia driver on a 2.6.25-2 kernel (linux-image-2.6.25-2-686 2.6.25-4) and 
> usplash (0.5.19-2).
> Somtimes (I seem to be completely unpredictable, about 1/3 of startups), my laptop start 
> well, but if I try to switch to console (with Crlt + Alt + fX), characters are unreadable 
> on the left of the screen... And when I shutdown it, the screen is full of piece of white 
> crap, such as all characters was mixed up and in bad resolution !
> It is not a big issue for now, but if I want to restart kdm, I must do it blindly...
> There are no others problems, Xorg work well, only console issue.
> Hardware details : Sony Vaio SZ3, nvidia GeForce Go 7400 with 256Mb of turbo-cache, Intel 
> Core duo 2, Ram 2Gb, ICH7 family plateform (Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS/940GML and 945GT).

That sounds vaguely like one of the issues nvidia claims to have fixed
in 173, so perhaps the next release of the driver will fix that for you.

Len Sorensen

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