[pkg-nvidia-devel] Building

Antony Gelberg antony.gelberg at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 8 21:58:55 UTC 2008


I'm suffering from the lack of testing packages at the moment.  So I 
decided to try and build 173.14.05 from Debian SVN.  I'm getting the error:
./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg0.run --extract-only
make: ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg0.run: Command not found

I had a go at sorting this out by downloading the driver from 
and doing:
mv NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run \

Then it started asking me for pkg2 etc.  What am I missing here?


(Please Cc: me as I'm not subscribed.)

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