[pkg-nvidia-devel] Building

Antony Gelberg antony.gelberg at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 9 12:22:07 UTC 2008

Randall Donald wrote:
>> Then it started asking me for pkg2 etc.  What am I missing here?
> Did you download the nvidia-graphics-drivers_173.14.05.orig.tar.gz
> tarball from svn ?

Thanks for the Cc:.

I did:
svn co \
cd nvidia-graphics-drivers/tags/173.14.05-1/
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us

svn-buildpackage didn't work either.

I saw the unstable 169.12 .orig.tar.gz available at
http://packages.debian.org/source/unstable/nvidia-graphics-drivers, but
I didn't know where to get the
nvidia-graphics-drivers_173.14.05.orig.tar.gz from.

But I took your hint, and downloaded and extracted
nvidia-graphics-drivers_169.12.orig.tar.gz, and everything built okay,
and I was able to build the .deb packages, and to build and install the
kernel module.  All is well, thanks for the tip.

I'm still not sure why I had to get the .orig.tar.gz manually, though.

> BTW, if you are on i386 the current 173.14.05 version might segfault
> when starting X. 

Hopefully 169.12-4 will be okay - I don't think the RC bug will bite me.


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