[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#476504: Bug#476504: 169.12-4 has the bug again

dlakelan dlakelan at street-artists.org
Thu Jun 19 23:02:23 UTC 2008

Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 06:02:33PM -0700, dlakelan wrote:

> That is NOT 169.12-4.
> There is no 'nv' subdir in -4 anymore.
> Make sure you actually have the new one installed and that you let
> module assistant actually extract the new one and not just reuse the old
> one.  Best is to delete /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel first to get rid
> of any old garbage.  I don't know why module assistant doesn't do that.

Thanks. Apparently m-a doesn't unpack properly even though it seems to 
say that it is.. perhaps it overwrites a dirty directory rather than 
deleting first.

in any case. it works with a fresh unpack.

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