[pkg-nvidia-devel] nvidia-glx dependency on xserver-xorg-core > 1.4?

Martin Bretschneider mailing-lists-mmvi at bretschneidernet.de
Sun Mar 30 17:23:17 UTC 2008

Am Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008 schrieb Joel Johnson:
> I'm curious as to the reasoning for having a dependency on
> xserver-xorg-core
> > 1.4 for the nvidia-glx package. What is the rationale for this?
> I haven't found any reference from NVIDIA that server 1.4 is
> required, nor does their installer doesn't complain when installing
> on lower versions. I'm running etch, but moving to the 2.6.24. The
> etch nvidia-kernel-source (8776) driver doesn't build against the
> newer kernels so I've done a simple pbuilder backport of the
> nvidia-graphics-drivers and made nvidia-glx not depend on a
> particular xserver-xorg-core and things still work.
> Is there some issue that I haven't run into yet, or is the dependency
> on 1.4 overly restrictive?

This is a known bug with the number 459720. I also hope that that debs 
with the modified dependency enter unstable so that I can use it in 

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