[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#483378: Bug#483378: Bug#483378: nvidia-kernel-source: wrong patch direction?

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 28 16:28:48 UTC 2008

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 09:08:41AM -0700, Randall Donald wrote:
> Ah, doing a clean first on a clean source already. 

Need a 'patched-stamp' or something to indicate if it needs to be
unpatched or not I guess.

> If I remember correctly, It had to do with not shipping with modified
> code except for patches direct from NVIDIA. I'll have to check the
> license again to be sure. 

Oh right.  There might be something there.

Len Soreosen

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