[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#498499: Using amd64 to compile the module into a i386 chroot

Jordi Pujol jordi_pujol at telefonica.net
Wed Sep 10 14:27:01 UTC 2008

Package: nvidia-kernel-source
Version: 173.14.09-5 and others
Severity: normal


when compiling a new kernel into an amd64 machine for the architecture i386 is 
common to use a chroot to an i386 development environment,

in the nvidia-kernel-source package, some scripts detect the machine 
architecture with the command "shell uname" of the main running kernel, and 
therefore the compilation of the nvidia module is not successful,

with the little modifications attached in this message, the module compiles 

The key idea is that the variable ARCH is already defined by the main 
procedure, that is, in make-kpkg or m-a.

that is tested to successful compile in the i386 environment, with make-kpkg 
and module-assistant also,

#make-kpkg -us -uc --initrd --verbose --append-to-version -686-jp1 --added-modules 
nvidia-kernel --added-patches debianlogo  modules

#m-a -t build nvidia-kernel -k /usr/src/linux-

Please use the attached patch,

Best Regards,

Jordi Pujol
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