[pkg-nvidia-devel] Updating nvidia-glx to 173.14.20 to be able to build with 2.6.30

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Sat Jul 18 14:21:41 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 03:38:54PM +0200, Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> Nvidia has published a newer release of their 173-series graphics
> drivers, version 173.14.20 as of July 1, 2009. I am wondering whether
> you could update the Debian-package to 173.14.20. I know that there is
> already version 185.xx available in unstable, the 185-series are not
> compatible with GeForce 5 and older.
> How about providing an extra Debian package for the legacy
> nvidia-cards, naming it "nvidia-glx-legacy".

Ehm, you mean like nvidia-glx-legacy-173xx?

I sent Randall an update yesterday to allow the 173.14.20 version to
build, so hopefully he will have time to spin out a new package soon.

I suppose I could make temporary versions available from my own website,
but I would rather not have to bother if I didn't have to.  Having
unofficial things lying around gets messy.

Perhaps I should look into getting debian maintainer status (not debian
developer) so that I could actually upload new packages myself.

Len Sorensen

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