[pkg-nvidia-devel] Work towards 2.6.29 support.

Randall Donald randy at khensu.org
Fri Mar 27 23:47:41 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 19:03 -0400, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> I have been working towards getting the nvidia 180.29 package to work
> with kbuild so that it will build with 2.6.29.  I have it building for
> i386 with a small bit of manual work now using m-a.

Oh Good. I was thinking of maybe upgrading to 180.41 as well but as you
have it compiling with 180.29 we can leave that til another day.

> Here are my changes so far.  i386 is hardcoded and needs to be replaced
> with something that detects the right architecture instead.

That isn't too hard to do.

> So changes so far:
> delete nvidia-kernel/debian/conf.mk
> delete nvidia-kernel/makefile
> delete nvidia-kernel/nv-kernel.o
> So basicly stop including those files in the nvidia-kernel-source package.
> Move source files to nv subdir.  This really is necesary.  I did this
> before, so we already know how.

So move it back to nv now?

> install nv-kernel.o from i386 and x86_64 with appropritate names like
> nv-kernel.o.i386 and nv-kernel.o.x86_64 or whatever works with the
> architecture detection code that isn't written yet.

> -------
> Small patch to conftest.sh although that might not be needed.  Still
> testing that.  Basicly it has to prevent conftest.sh from trying to
> overwrite the new Makefile:
> --- nvidia-kernel/nv/conftest.sh	2009-02-28 21:46:06.000000000 -0500
> +++ nvidia-kernel.kbuild/nv/conftest.sh	2009-03-27 18:22:17.000000000 -0400
> @@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
>          # 2.6 and newer kernels, and the old Makefile for kernels older
>          # than 2.6.
>          #
> -        rm -f Makefile
> +        #rm -f Makefile
>          RET=1
>          VERBOSE=$6
>          FILE="linux/version.h"
> @@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@
>              if [ "$SELECTED_MFILE" = "Makefile.kbuild" -a -f Makefile.rmlite ]; then
>                  SELECTED_MFILE=Makefile.rmlite
>              fi
> -            ln -s $SELECTED_MFILE Makefile
> +            #ln -s $SELECTED_MFILE Makefile
>          else
>              echo "If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel, please make sure";
>              echo "you either have configured kernel sources matching your";
> -------
> Any comments?
Looks good. I will try it tomorrow.

> So it worked for my on i386 using 2.6.29 headers
> (after I added the missing Makefile_32.cpu to the
> /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.29-1-common/arch/x86/ directory).  I have
> filed a bug report on the linux-headers package about this.
> This may also go along way towards being built by the linux-modules
> package.

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