[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#523024: Bug#523024: nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-source: kernel module still not compiles

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Mon May 11 22:26:23 UTC 2009

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:43:53PM +0200, Stéphane Glondu wrote:
> Lennart Sorensen a écrit :
> >> Compilation with module-assistant with a 2.6.29 kernel fails... Or
> >> let's say doesn't do anything:
> > 
> > Pretty sure it worked here.
> On amd64? I know at least one other person who has the same problem (and
> I know nobody who hasn't :-).
> BTW, I observe the same behaviour in a clean amd64 sid chroot, as well
> as in a clean i386 sid chroot (with a 64-bit kernel).
> > Did you delete any old /usr/lib/modules/nvidia* directory before
> > extracting the new one?
> I don't have any /usr/lib/modules, nor did I deleted any explicitly...

Oops.  /usr/src/modules/nvidia...

I just tried it on my sid amd64 machine:

rm -rf /usr/src/modules/nvidia* (or m-a clean nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx should do that)
m-a a-i -t nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx -l 2.6.29-1-amd64,2.6.29-2-amd64

It built and installed.  I did have to remove my non legacy modules
packages first though since they conflict of course.  It built fine though and resulted in:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root src 2680158 2009-05-11 18:20 /usr/src/nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-2.6.29-1-amd64_173.14.18-1+2.6.29-3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root src 2680146 2009-05-11 18:21 /usr/src/nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-2.6.29-2-amd64_173.14.18-1+2.6.29-4_amd64.deb

So it seems to work with both 2.6.29 kernel ABIs released by debian so far.

Len Sorensen

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