[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch n-g-d 190xx] cleanup after 190.xx changes

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Thu Nov 26 13:16:09 UTC 2009


attached is a patch to fix some issues with the 190.xx packaging:

libnvidia-cfg.so* was moved from usr/lib/nvidia to usr/lib:
  * nvidia-glx.shlibs: add libnvidia-cfg.so
  * nvidia-glx: update lintian overrides for moved libnvidia-cfg.so

  * libcuda1: update symbols files for new symbols (190.xx)

  * debian/control.in:
    - tighten libcuda1-dev Depends (lintian)

cleanup historic dependencies:
    - drop versioned Depends/Build-Depends satisfied in lenny
    - drop Conflicts/Replaces for packages existing before lenny only

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