[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch 190xx] [5/k] cleanup handling of autogenerated files

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed Apr 7 08:25:49 UTC 2010

Russ Allbery wrote:
> I suspect that quite a lot of the generated files could go away now that
> debhelper and lintian both support wildcards.

I have some more pending patches that just need to be refreshed to the
current source tree - one of them is using dh_install and friends for
all installation currently done manually in debian/rules. I'll look into
this in the weekend.

We probably could get rid of the #DIRNAME# substitution by creating some
symbolic links after unpacking:

NVIDIA-Linux-i386 -> NVIDIA-Linux-x86-${RELEASE}-pkg0
NVIDIA-Linux-amd64 -> NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${RELEASE}-pkg2
NVIDIA-Linux -> NVIDIA-Linux-${ARCH}

and use NVIDIA-Linux as directory name for everything debian/*.install

Only when we collect nv-kernel.o we take them both from


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