[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch 190xx] [6/k v2] debian.binary updates

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sun Apr 11 11:27:14 UTC 2010


updated patch (190.53-4 was released inbetween) with one additional change:

 * nvidia-kernel-source: bump debhelper dependency to 7 to match module
   packaging templates


Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Hi,
> here are a few updates for nvidia-graphics-drivers:
>  * update debian.binary/control.template using the copy from
>    nvidia-graphics-modules-i386
> corresponds to the patch for nvidia-graphics-modules-i386 I sent earlier
>  * include a copy of the NVIDIA changelog in the module packages built
>    from nvidia-kernel-source
> the upstream changelog might be helpful in a module package, too
>  * install the changelog from the nvidia-kernel-source package, too, if
>    building via nvidia-graphics-modules-*
> since nvidia-graphics-modules installs a rather boring changelog.Debian
> by default I sent a patch for nvidia-graphics-modules-i386 earlier that
> keeps a copy of the changelog found in nvidia-kernel-source - now we
> just needed to install this, too (installation via dh_installdocs since
> there can't be two Debian changelogs for one package)
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