[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch 190xx] [10/k v2] use dh_bugfiles

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Fri Apr 23 19:18:27 UTC 2010

Revised patch. Rewritten the bug-script to actually provide a bit of
useful version and hardware information.
So don't rename the old bug script but delete it (the file 'script' in
the repository root) from the repository and add the new one (created by
the patch as debian/nvidia-glx.bug-script) instead.

Should we install this bug-script for all packages (or at least some
more), eventually?


Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Hi,
> let dh_bugfiles handle the installation of the bug script, no need for
> manual copying.
> Requires to bump the debhelper Build-Depends to 7.2.3~ (satisfied in
> squeeze).
> Also requires the following rename in the svn repository (not included
> in patch):
>     svn mv script debian/nvidia-glx.bug-script
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